Confidence As An Act Of Rebellion
Miranda Wickett Miranda Wickett

Confidence As An Act Of Rebellion

For my daughter, myself & all daughters,

I hope your grow up to understand the absolute magic of the power, strength and beauty that lives inside of your own body

  • your inner knowing.

  • your self worth.

  • your magic.

  • your autonomy.

The world will try to tell you to shave, contour, to nip, tuck, botox, buy… buy… buy… But I hope you’ll always hear my voice reminding you… ”You are enough as you are. You are worthy. You are a work of art”. Your confidence is an act of rebellion. Be authentically you… always.

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Learning new languages
Miranda Wickett Miranda Wickett

Learning new languages

A group of Iranian women came up to my booth at the Toronto One of A Kind show a few weeks ago and were giggling. I love a giggle so was happy to see smiles and interest.

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The art of not making plans
Miranda Wickett Miranda Wickett

The art of not making plans

Aging is such a weird thing. I’m sitting in a cafe in the big city and could have called so many people to catch up. A few years ago, I would have tried to stuff in as many visits as I could - leaving myself exhausted and likely a little sweaty as a power walked from place to place.

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