Confidence As An Act Of Rebellion

For my daughter, myself & all daughters,

I hope your grow up to understand the absolute magic of the power, strength and beauty that lives inside of your own body

  • your inner knowing.

  • your self worth.

  • your magic.

  • your autonomy.

The world will try to tell you to shave, contour, to nip, tuck, botox, buy… buy… buy… But I hope you’ll always hear my voice reminding you… ”You are enough as you are. You are worthy. You are a work of art”. Your confidence is an act of rebellion. Be authentically you… always.

For the mothers,

Your wounds are like stained glass, catching the light like prisms. Softly reflecting your journey and your power. I wish for you to wear your scars like prizes won, telling the story of survival - skin stretching but never limiting your goals, your family, your miracles. YOU are the miracle.

You are so skinny/slim. Insults hurled at you in the form of compliments. People dont know that ANY comment on their appearance can be unwanted. Society tells us that boobs, curves, big bums and hips are ideal today. But tomorrow will ‘heroin chic’ return? Bodies are not trends. All of these are warfare on womxns bodies, psyches and wallets. Your confidence is an act of rebellion.

To my Aunties,

You’ve always been here with me. A part of my journey and growth. Caring for me & others - deeply, but not your biological child. You’ve endured so much - trying to get pregnant and in deep depths of despair as you said goodbye - trying not to blame yourself but blaming the body, leaving deep wounds on the depths of your heart. But shielding this. and keeping your pain from the world. You shouldn't have to endure this alone. Trauma in your body & forever imprinted on your heart in silence. Please know I see your beautiful light & strength. We grieve together.Children, Mothers & Aunties of the next generation - We see and cherish you. Your confidence is an act of rebellion.

To my Trans sisters -

I will never know your journey, your pain or your struggle but I will hold you. I will amplify you & protect you fiercely. I will always welcome you.

Your divinity is beautiful. I hope deeply that the insults and violence that you’ve endured will blossom into a gentle life for you as we age. The next generation already thanks you for your beautiful courage. I want to grow old with you to watch this blossom. Your immense bravery - you are so sacred. Scars are beauty marks on your journey. I’m so happy you are here. Your body is a beautiful vessel for love.Your confidence is an act of rebellion.

To the Boys & Men -

I see you and your struggles to accept your own bodies - the pressure to be an ‘adonis’ is mounting stronger and stronger in each marketing campaign I see.

But in your feminism… your vocation is to dismantle the condemnation of women’s bodies; to dismantle the male gaze; seeing real bodies & worship their immense power to bring life, care, nurturance and love to this world. Only when we dismantle the patriarchy (together) will you also be free from these pressures.

I hope you grow up to revere the female form. Our gentle or ample curves - each different but worthy of love & respect. Dismantle toxic masculinity, dismantle sexism, dismantle porn & violence against women ALL the time. Don’t let ANYTHING go. Fight with your words & policies when we aren’t in the room. And listen, eagerly, when we are in the room. Bring us to the table.Your allyship is an act of rebellion.

*This idea of rebellion is something I’ve learned and cherished from Sonya Renee Taylor.


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