What people are saying.

  • This experience has done so much for me - it is something I didn't know I needed until I did it! Just seeing all of the different shapes and scars of the models that you have worked with has made me realize that I'm not so alone. It was such a fun and freeing experience for me that I am so grateful for, and I have still yet to see the final product! I hope that someone will ultimately look at my model, find some peace in the water and maybe see themself and know that they are not alone.

    - Breast Cancer Survivor

  • The body cast experience was fun and freeing. A year ago, I would have been too scared to do something like this. What if people see this? What if people think I'm vain? What if people objectify me? What if people think my body is weird or ugly or asymmetrical? What if people think I'm doing this for attention? What if someone has a more important body or story to tell? Going through with this experience, somewhat on a whim, was very emotionally liberating. It's one thing to learn in therapy that you're allowed to take up space. And it's an entirely different thing to follow through with an activity that physically immortalizes the act of taking up space and being unafraid to be seen. For me, this process was very healing and joyful. It made me feel like my body is for me and it's okay to celebrate that. 

    — Casting Client

  • A special thank you to Miranda (Mimi) for casting the new me. She has had a huge impact on the way I see myself. It was having my body cast made that allowed me the chance to stand back and see the beauty in my breasts and put me on the road to true acceptance. Her talent as an artist provided me with a beautiful map of my breast cancer journey and for that I am truly grateful. Miranda’s dedication to normalize breasts is inspiring, her energy is infectious, and her heart is pure. Thank you Miranda

    — Casting Client