The Uniqueness of Stickers

Stickers.. stickers on your water bottle. Stickers on your computer.

Mine is covered with things I love and believe in.

One about voting… bc it’s so important.

One about movement. It comes in all sizes.

One is about justice for Murdered and missing Indigenous women, girls and 2Spirit individuals. Because this shouldn’t be a fight we have to have in 2023.

One is for inclusivity - because… intersectionality.

One made by my daughter that is so special because it’s made by her, but also because it’s very versatile. It says MOM but always WOW! :)

And one is a polar bear waving because it’s adorable and makes me smile.

There is a woman to my right who is sitting alone and likely at a conference. Her laptop proudly displays two: Sisters in Science with a Rosie the Riveter type, vintage logo and the other: a beaker with fun font that reads “Why would you want to be a princess, when you can be a scientist”.

YES! It’s everything we need to see.

Smart, Independent and confident women who are breaking barriers for our kids.

I”m so thankful for her work - wherever it is. She’s inspiring young women somewhere, and I hope she knows how important she is in the fight.

There are women in every industry who are doing this work. When I began work on my 40 Strong project, I quickly realized how difficult it would be for most women to take part in this experience. Baring themselves in a very scary way and I’m deeply grateful for their courage. I started to really think about how I could protect their identitties (yes… I did that) for days on end. It could just be a numbered system. But that’s boring and also doesn’t fit with the ethos of this work. They need to be represented by women who have some before them - breast owners who are inspiring, captivating and as incredibly as each of these brave women. I’d love to tell their stories, but while I can’t (at the moment), I decided to track my castings by connecting each cast to a fabulous, courageous human. So… I hope you enjoy the history lesson, the beauty of each pore, dimple and stretch mark and see parts of. yourself and others in each of these casts. Each is as unique as your sticker covered laptop :)


The art of not making plans


The Mimi In The Mirror